Friday, January 15, 2010

A new mushing season

I've been asked by a few friends to write more about my life in Alaska. I am not a prolific writer, but I can give details of my life here and the fun I am having. I'll take you with me to sled dog races, enjoying visits from friends, mushers who stay before the Iditarod, working for Alaska State Parks, heading to fish camp in July and whatever else comes along. Alaska is an interesting place. I love the scenery and wildlife.
I've made dear friends. Alaska is not a perfect place, but life is still pretty sweet.


  1. Donna, I'm so glad you're going to do a "restart" on your blog. What fun it'll be to have the stories right here to read and read again. If I were younger and could still split my own wood [HA], I'd consider it, so I'm excited to have this blog to read and enjoy.

  2. The most important part of writing is being willing to share it with others.
