Summer solstice came and went and suddenly, it's July. Tomorrow will be the 4th of July celebration in Willow. We have a parade, which I'll walk in with the Willow Dog Mushers Association---always a lot of fun. Then there is the community picnic behind the community center. Seems like everyone is in town for these two events. WDMA also holds a pet costume contest. It's a hoot. We've yet to have a dog win the grand prize, but have had an alpaca and a duck!
I have finished work with the census. My contract was up and the next phase involved going back to homes that refused to respond. Honestly, I didn't want to do that. Not sure why people have this grudge against the census considering it is mandated in our constitution to have it. I guess some people just don't like the gov't. for anything. To them I would have to say, fine--then don't use the roads, or the schools or medicare or social security or collect unemployment and here in Alaska---give up your PFD. My last day of work I had two unpleasant encounters with people. I tried really hard not to be intrusive and respect that I was on private property. One man said the last guy to come by was rude, so he wouldn't answer. Then one lady, in the same area, refused because the last guy was a jerk to her. Both were talking about the same guy. Well, I'm not that guy, but OK. Now, someone else will have to deal with them and it won't be fun. The good part for me was learning some of the back roads in my community. Meeting some really nice people and seeing some wildlife. I wonder if I'll do it again in 10 years.
So, this week I spent doing something entirely different. My neighbor Sue has a daughter, Teresa, and she is a horse trainer.
Dark Horse Alaska This past week she sponsored a clinic for riders and their horses with Kathleen Lindley, an expert trainer from Outside.
Kathleen Lindley Oh my gosh, what an interesting week. I grew up with my grandfather's race horses, but I have never owned one. Just never had the time to devote to one or the money it costs to keep one. I sure love them though, so this was pretty cool. I video taped each student and gave them a dvd of their hour lesson to review later. I learned so much and realized how much dogs and horses are so different to train. Watching Kathleen work a big, young horse and getting him to behave in ways his owner couldn't---not that the owner was bad, but Kathleen had the touch!-- was quite enlightening. I highly recommend Kathleen's clinic's if you ride and want to learn more about your horse and yourself.
Kathleen (left), Biscuit and Annie

This morning I had breakfast with Sue, Teresa and Kathleen before the two ladies headed to Fairbanks and another clinic. What a nice time and a nice new friend.
So, today was a quiet day. Going to the PO, doing laundry, cleaning the dog yard. Good thing I cut the grass when I got home last night as it rained again today. We've had a lot of rain. I've been volunteering at the State Park this year since their budget was cut. Last weekend was the start of combat fishing for King salmon. Well, this week they closed the river. Not enough fish to allow anglers to get one. What a bummer. But, it also meant I didn't have to be down in the ticket booth last night. And, despite being chilly and rainy today, my greenhouse is like a sauna. The tomatoes are doing great!!! I have only picked one cherry tomato from a plant, but there are plenty more ripening on the vine.
The inside walls are dripping with humidity and the plants love it. Even with temps outside in the 60's, the plants inside are very happy and toasty warm.
After playing with the tomatoes---I have to use a small paintbrush and pollinate them--I went to see how the dogs were doing. Imagine my surprise to find them all on the back deck waiting to go inside for dinner. I tried to get another group shot of the magnificent seven. People ask me how I manage to get such cute shots of so many dogs. Well, patience is a virtue for sure. But, what you don't see are all the bad shots I take too. I'm not completely happy with the ones I got today, but they still make me smile.
Chena behind the fireweed.

Everyone is there, but what a pose!(left)
Spirit is yawning and Nahanni seems to have found something under the steps.(right)
Now Rosie is bored! And Fritter is no where to be seen again!
Is Nahanni asleep? And where is Fritter?
The best I could get is below. We'll try again another day.
Fritter walking, front row-Chena, Rosie, Nahanni, Pearl; back row- Maggie and Spirit.
And while I was out, I grabbed a few shots of the dwarf fireweed next to the back door. Can't believe it's blooming already. Well, it will be a few weeks before it tops out, then 6 weeks till winter. HA!
And the parting shot, taken in the parking lot of Fred's---wonder which Iditarod finisher this is!!?? Cool plate!!